Photographs on this page were
taken a few days after the war in military airfield in Podgorica. Air Forces monthly magazine:
A report from a source in the
the Yugoslav Army, who was stationed at Podgorica during the war , indicates that during
NATO raids a total of 26 Yugoslav AF aircraft were destroyed inside the armored shelter at
the base. These comprised seven: "Flying Stars" Super Galeb G-4s and 19 Galeb
G-2s. A further three
G-4s were destroyed when cought parked in the open while ten “non-operational”
(decoy?) aircraft were also destroyed. Firm
dates for these losses are unconfirmed, although we have previously reported a number o
losses during air strikes on the airfield on march 28., April 28. and April 29. The third
date was when over 30 attacks were made on the airfield and seems likely to have been when
the majority of losses occurred. |