MiG29 is the most potent fighter aircraft in the Yugoslav Air Force. It is armed with two
air-to-air missiles, the AA11 Archer, which has a range of about 10 kilometers, and the
50-60 kilometer-range AA10 Alamo. |
Germans, who acquired some MiG29s after the divided Germany was reunified, have been
impressed by the agility of the short-range Archer. It compares favorably with any Western
short-range air-to-air missile. The MiG29 itself is also a more agile aircraft than the
American F15C or F15D and, skill for skill, could out-maneuver the US jet. The F16, on the
other hand, matches the MiG29 for versatility. However, the MiG29 pilots will have had no
combat experience, and although on paper the Yugoslav pilots were flying one of the best
aircraft to come out of Russia, the reality of war provides the ultimate test for both
flying machine and its flier. |