Manufacturer: |
Industrija SOKO DD |
Country of
origin: |
Yugoslavia |
Class: |
Trainer |
Type: |
Basic flying and
armament trainer with light attack capability
Powerplant: |
(Rolls-Royce/Bristol Siddeley) Viper ASV.11 Mk 22-6 turbojet rated at 11.12 kN dry |
Fuel capacity: Internal
fuel 780 kg; external fuel up to 340 kg in two jettisonable tip tanks; no provision for
in-flight refueling |
Dimensions: |
Wing: Span 10.47 m
excluding tip tanks and 11.62 m including tip tanks; aspect ratio 5.55; area 19.43 m2 |
Fuselage and tail
dimensions: Length 10.34 m; height 3.28 m; tailplane span 4.27 m; wheel track 3.89 m;
wheel base 3.59 m |
weights: Empty 2620 kg equipped; normal take-off typically 3488 kg with tip
tanks, maximum take-off weight 4300 kg |
Performance: |
Maximum level speed
‘clean’ 812 km/h at 6200 m and 756 km/h at sea level; cruising speed, maximum 730 km/h
at 6000 m |
Ferry range 1242 km
with tip tanks; endurance 2 hours 30 minutes |
Maximum rate of climb
at sea level 1370 m per minute; climb to 6000 m in 5 minutes 30 seconds; service ceiling
12000 m |
G limits: -4 to +8 |
Crew: |
Pupil and instructor in
tandem on HSA (Folland) Type 1-B lightweight ejector seats |
armaments: |
Two 12.7 mm
Colt-Browning M3 machine guns with 80 rounds per gun in the nose |
armaments: |
Up to 300 kg of
disposable stores carried on two hardpoints (both under the wings with the each unit each
rated at 150 kg); typical weapons are two 150, 100 and 50 kg bombs, or two 127 mm unguided
rockets, or four 55 mm unguided rockets |
& operational equipment: |
Standard communication
and navigation equipment, plus (fire control and weapons management) Ferranti ISIS D-126R
gyro sight, there is also provision in the rear cockpit for a reconnaissance camera with
125-exposure magazine |
Operators: |
Libya (30+) |
SFR Yugoslavia (c.150) |
Zambia (2) |
Total manufactured by
variant: |
G-2A Galeb |
Yugoslavia (c.150) |
Zambia (2) |
G-2A-E |
Libya (30+) |

Variants: |
G-2A Galeb: This was
SOKO’s first design to reach fruition, the program being launched in 1957 to provide the
Yugoslav Air Force with a capable yet simple turbojet-powered trainer. The Galeb (seagull)
first flew in May 1961 and entered production in 1963, and impressed Western analysts with
its similarity to the Aeromacchi MB-326 series in its low-wing layout, straight flying
surfaces, and unstepped accommodation. |
G-2A-E Galeb: This was
export model delivered from 1974 to Libya with a number of detail modifications and
improvements, especially in the navigation.
special thanks to Luka
Baturan |