On the 1. April 1941. one Bf-110C landed at airfield
near Kraljevo due to mistake in orientation. This aircraft received Yugoslav camouflage
and markings. After German invasion on 6 April 1941 this aircraft made one flight from
Kraljevo to airfield in Veliki Radinci near Belegrade. During the landing process it was
hit by machinegun fire from the ground. Pilot survived the crash landing uncrated. Solder
who opened fire tough that he is shooting on German aircraft. German forces found remains
of this Bf-110C as they occupied Yugoslavia.
There are no
photographs of this Bf-110C with Yugoslav camouflage and markings. Camouflage scheme you
can see here was made according testimony of the witnesses. Dip. ing Ognjan Petrovic
conducted a research of history about this aircraft.